Friday, July 21, 2017

Compact Disc name: Clock stoppers    Group: Various Artists   For  Sale:         

                                                    Jail better           A fee greater than $1,000 was paid to Tin Pan
                                                                              Alley, Inc. by the author Robert O'Brien to produce
                                                                             an original musical melody performed with sounds of
                                                                             a  voiceover on audiocassette tapes included with
                                                                             the works - songs- of other performing artists.
                                                                              Copyright 1992.

Once You're here they want you to stay

Because billing Medicare is the American Way

Police put you here, what can you say?

Which pill at this time of day?

Tied, drugged, assaulted - okay, where is the key?

Do hospitals help? Why this for me?

Graffiti and dust are in my room

May I have soap , water, a dustpan and broom?

Mind and body are both locked in

A real nightmare, state sponsored sin

Psychiatrists prescribe and evaluate

Soon you begin smoking which you will hate

Rights lost and no such need for bail

You wonder, what's food like in jail?

By Robert T. O'Brien

uploaded to 

Http;//   The lack of an investigation into my underlying causes for mental handicap or multiple pre existing disabilities while maintaining that THE CURE IS WORSE THAN THE DISEASE!    Friday, March 12-Tuesday, March 16, 1971 my sunrises were accounted/numbered >4...
You heard it here first, " I want corrections." I was promoted passed on to 2nd grade as was Mrs Krawczak 1 +1+2. Dr. Kuhn pronounced Koon, remained our Principal at intersection of Dexter Terrace Rd. & Forbes Ave. 14150 renamed after years of declining enrollment, Northtowns Academy, a Sweet Home School District not a Ken Ton Elementary 1-6 not a motel 6 not a chromium depth high '6' of thread through a weavers needle, human skin on or above operating table in a medical center also known as a hospital that was there, 1001 Humboldt Pkwy., 14208, named Deaconess Hospital then Deaconess Center , to not there, write your politicians, please urgently $.50 stamp on upper right of envelope not always!

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