Friday, July 14, 2017

SHOULD 911 BE CALLED INSIDE E.R. blood lost?

  Should '911' be called after blood loss from the unnecessary and or fraudulent installation of surgical gut chromic suture, i.e. as occurs in abdominal assault crime victims?  Debbie Johnson, supervisor, employed Dr. Arvind Samant, psychiatrist, in Northwest Community Health Center, 1300 Niagara Street, Buffalo, N.Y. 14213. Residents of Transitional Services, Inc.  owned by c.e.o. Mr. Ehor Zankiw, of Canada I believe, who said that he worked for it to me, were required to attend such day treatments and to submit to being medicated with no limits at the discretion of the attending psychiatrist. Medicaid was billed. Many were injected drugs such as Fluphenazine from hypodermic syringes. The most a big needle held was 125 cubic centimeters of liquid drug. Many outpatients, myself included, wanted to be elsewhere employed and learning. Trihexyphenidyl ( ARTANE ) tablets relieved aches. Buffalo Police Officer J. Howe rang doorbell 2, 1170 Kenmore Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. 14216, leased T.S.I. apartment. That day, Saturday,  October 25, 2008, I was hospitalized into Buffalo General Hospital as a psychiatric inpatient. I was unaware or without knowledge of any complaint against me. Hospitalization does not require a reason. As earlier noted in print, sometimes children are hospitalized without any valid medical complaint and forced to undergo invasive criminal surgery. An ambulance was called. I was freed from Buffalo Psychiatric center May 31, 2010, boarding a Greyhound bus to Phoenix, AZ. 85008. Howard C. Lehman died 12-01-2008.
                            Mr.  Kevin Thomas and myself ( victim, uncompensated, Robert O'Brien 06-21-1964 date of birth or d.o.b. , hit in a part of his head,  were sixth grade students in principal Dr. Kuhn's Dexter Terrace Elementary School, corner Forbes Ave., 14150. Unprovoked, with his right fist, Kevin Thomas struck my lower jaw, halving or chipping a tooth. However, no pain originated from said halved tooth. Somehow, I was referred to dentist Dr. Eugene Trachtman. He injected Novocain narcotic into gums and unnecessarily used dental equipment to cause an infection. The root canal was unnecessary since the chipped tooth was painless. My gums turned blue for several days after Dr. Trachtman's unneeded, unwanted services.  The human fly, holy-crossed Mr. Kevin Thomas , a new kid in town of Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150,  with his Kevin Thomas' tighter than 0 < gnats' holes < 4 he needs to be turned 3X ( times ), as does his partner , Mr. Mike Rose beside himself in Mrs. Olear's sixth grade class, provoking or,  rather yelling "hit him, Kevin, hit him" said the Rose known by another name still a rose, same address and nine digit zip code .
 Some employment services and unskilled labors were provided to employers by myself, Robert T. O'Brien. Some criticized me for becoming employed. I now understand their reasoning. Why provide services to a society that oppresses the ones who service? What message does that send? Oppress me as a child & adult and I'll respond by providing cheap labor, keeping taxes lower than taxes should be, while investigatory costs are bypassed??

Mr. Geiger's "Four Seasons Restaurant"at corners Sweet Home Rd. & Sheridan Drive , Amherst, N.Y.   mngrs. Mr. Viapiano & Bill Marshall & Mr. Maloney     Klentos' Mykonos Restaurant,516 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. 14222, phone 716-886-9175, moved to 510 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. 14222, same landline telephone, name changed to:doing business as: Mythos Restaurant
George Klentos & his nephew, Tim Klentos. Cooks: Nick Carriannis & Bill Date
McDonald's Restaurant, northeast side of Niagara Falls Blvd. & Maple Rd., Amherst, N.Y. 14226      Univ.Bflo.Library mngr:Phil Pepper   Holiday Inn,1981or1982, Niagara Falls Blvd. near exit/entrance to the Youngmann Expressway /NYS #290mngr. Mike Slowinski

Tops Supermarket, 1981or1982, at E. Robinson Rd. & Niagara Falls Blvd., northeast side of Niagara Falls Blvd.;  mngrs. : Bud Salhab & Mike Gates        Mrs. Lula B. Larson/ next door neighbor < 1986, next to 53 Leawood Drive, Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150 inside 49 Leawood Drive, Tn. of Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150 , weekly walk to curb with bag(s) of plastic wrapped trash, /paid $.25.
Critics' Choice Restaurant; owner?/mngr.: Mr. Sydney __? Maple Rd., Amherst, N.Y. 1422_ northeast of ....., Brighton Rd. , Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150 as the road changes name as does the town however, same county and same state and same country after crossing from west of  major Niagara Falls Blvd. intersection with traffic lights lined above then to its east side continuing Maple Road instead of Brighton Rd. ,Town of Amherst, N.Y. instead of Town of Tonawanda, N.Y.  past Sweet Home Junior High School, grades 7-8, left- north side The Boulevard Mall was on the right-south side. Remembers co workers Francis a.k.a. Bobby Harris, dishwashers operators machines helped pots and pans scrubbers and rubber mats floors sprayed & sanitized & cleaned rest rooms, Charles Harris of Benefield Pl., 14150 & John McKinney formerly of 62 Benefield Place, Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150, deceased mother Dolores McKinney...Mr. Robert  Harris ,officially - "Francis "punched him, broke his jaw, no civil nor criminal penalties, however, medical bills, his jaws wired   John McKinney, a crime victim.
DeLuca's Cavalier Restaurant & Motor Lodge  on Niagara Falls blvd., east side -town of Amherst, N.Y. 14226 between  Sheridan Drive & Maple Rd. , adjacent to the Boulevard Mall. Owner: Nick DeLuca, Mngrs.: Bill DeLuca & Nick DeLuca. Cook(s) : Arvin        Prep. Cook(s) : George Garvey, Mike      Landlord, T.S.Inc. leased apt. 9, a two bedroom: Mike Eagan of 3763 Crystal Beach Rd., Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada , he owned the 3 buildings, 3 levels, not including the garage at Lincoln Parkway & 858 Amherst Street,  Buffalo, N.Y. 14206, telephone (716)876 -0338 , his office to the left of the locked garage door that held the snow thrower, gasoline can, rakes, lawn mower, spades, clippers to cut plants, etc. It was a large garage. He refused to rent a studio apartment to me probably because of my mental health problem diagnosis, vacated. He owned other buildings as well. He drove a pickup truck. He never paid me entirely. He owed me $4.00 after I had moved out but returned to continue to work for him including the lawns that I mowed at rate of $6 per hour, he gave me a key to unlock his garage door that I afterwards later returned to him, and the 3 levels plus ground level per building times his three buildings, wooden stairs covered with peeling black rubber stuck on step heelers walk on mee's...I carried a dish soap additive ingredient to hot tap water filled into a plastic 5 or less gallon bucket from apt. 9 's kitchen sink or the laundry room's wash basin next to the washers and clothes dryers, for tenants only,  to wipe using a wet rag plus my elbow(s) grease the drying with a dry rag, stair step after stair step, 5-10 rubber covered wooden  stair steps per level, times 3 levels plus wiping the ground floor entrance/exit area     as a tenant of T.S. Inc. inside #2, 1170 Kenmore Ave., Bflo., N.Y. 14206, tele. landline Transitional Services, Incorporated,  the squirrels chew the rubber insulation off the telephone lines that water may enter and cause erosion / damage...The Sparrows, Incorporated stand high atop perched, poised and brown! (716)__362_-0219 The large, plastic, blue colored on two wheels  waste bins and smaller recycle bins containers were outside the brick walls of the different street addresses, one on Lincoln Pkwy. & two on Amherst Street, including apt. 9,  858 Amherst Street , Buffalo, N.Y. 14206. The buildings were connected and continuous. I was employed by Mike Egan. He paid cash. The church across Amherst Street hired me to remove snow whenever > 1 inch, at $15 per hour using his snow thrower & gasoline, spades tools weeding cuts his removed as well. rear middle doors-exits/entrances , second building  of the three entrances

       The Buffalo News: One News Plaza, Buffalo, N.Y. 14202  at corner of Washington & Scott streets

                    I carried plastic garbage bags already tied, to curbside at 49 Leawood Drive, 14150, the Town  Waste Pickup Weekly,  for Mrs. Larson, who weekly handed a twenty five cent piece to me. Free parking always on Leawood Drive.
                        Allen H. Larson, did gardening and landscaping front and back yards, 49 Leawood Drive. He once told me  "hide".  I was permitted to harvest Night crawlers or earth  worms, on his property once. I used those as fish bait.
     I am ugly, but I had help in finding ugliness. As a courtesy to others, ugly people should hide. After death, post mortem, before cremation services, humans went underground, were buried, special embalming fluid installed, or replaced the  several quarts of blood of  the deceased. Something temporarily installed in vein near calf muscle below knee on a leg carried blood out of body. Embalming fluid afterwards pumped into,  carried into veins.  I can't  confirm that the red liquid that I eye witnessed flowing into the Niagara River, through/from a large 5'-6' maybe diameter concrete aqueduct near shore was blood human blood. The Niagara River flows north. There is a man made Delta concrete  triangle 3 dimensional  underwater near where the river flows into and past at a 90 degree angle , the origin of the Erie Canal .   The Erie Canal, further by not more than a short walk, creates or flows into at an angle, the beginning of  Ellicott Creek, separated by a stretch of land green grass and tar blacktop roads,  the other side the newly formed  Erie Canal continues its own  manmade course many, many, many miles.  The sources of impure water held in creeks, canals, and rivers is usually melting mountain snow in  higher elevations. The creek impure water as well as the canal impure water appears brown to the sight. Remember H2O is called water. So what I am describing is impure water, contains additives, for better or worse.

                Inside Mykonos Restaurant owner George Klentos, who also operated the Elmwood Bar & Lounge ( with Mr. John Gikas )  across W. Utica Street,  employed his nephew, Tim Klentos, and Nicholas Kariannis, a cook, and myself, Robert T. O'Brien, since February of 1989 until October 25, 2008, not continuously, meaning in other words, that I came and went , hired and rehired, many times. The business moved and changed names. From 516 Elmwood Ave., 14222,  to 510 Elmwood Ave., same payphone number, 716-886-9175, renamed Mythos Restaurant, say hello to waitress Vicki. Never been robbed!
              I remember accepting an offer of employment from another Greek cook/ restaurant operator. I  don't recall specifically where, in the city of Buffalo, a bad neighborhood, a very small restaurant. He had been robbed at the cash register several occasions. He handed me a shovel. I did some digging on grass, dirt soil beneath it. I am unsure now what I was searching or looking for, digging holes in the ground, creating piles of  underground humus. He paid me. I understand now, that '811' must  be called before digging, over concerns that underground gasoline pipes etc. may be inadvertently struck causing unwanted property damages. Somewhere, there is a record of the location below properties of  exactly where gasoline carrying pipes etc. were laid and somebody will share that information at the site prior  to digging.

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