Friday, July 21, 2017

Compact Disc name: Clock Stoppers   Group: Various Artists   For Sale:          

                                                  Paula, My Sunshine     A fee greater than $1,000 was paid to Tin Pan
                                                                                        Alley, Inc. by Robert T. O'Brien the author of
                                                                                        the words to this poem , the first of three songs
                                                                                          included together on an audiocassette tape
                                                                                          from Tin Pan Alley, Inc. Two other songs
                                                                                          from other artists appeared on side 'A'.
                                                                                          Side 'B' featured 5 more songs from other
                                                                                          songwriters who patronized/signed Tin Pan
                                                                                            Alley, Inc. Musical composition notes
                                                                                           appeared on papers above the lyrics in a
                                                                                           songbook included with the USPS deliveries
                                                                                         in a big box. Fees < $100 were paid to the
                                                                                         United States Copyright Office, Washington,
                                                                                         D.C. by Robert T. O'Brien, copyright 1992.

They say, "hitch your wagon to a star"

You were walking on the sidewalk as I pulled over in my car

I happen to see you in the sunshine again

Since stars are to planets what woman are to men

Paula, I need you like the Earth needs the Sun

For me, you're the perfect one

I roll down the window, "Paula" is what I say

You recognize me, then you walk away

That day back in May of 1985, I still think about you and that's no jive

Because my memory of you just won't fade

You inspired me through college and I received a good grade

I guess I'm doing fine, hard work is easy because you're on my mind

I wish that I could see or talk to you today or over the summer

Because not knowing how to reach you is really a bummer

You were so bright and spoke with such a sweet voice

I'd love to see you if I only had the choice

By Robert T. O'Brien

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